Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

I Will Tell You About Two Things That I Have to Bring Everywhere I Go

Hello ledies and gentlemen ,Introduce my name is  Nadia I of education study program social science I will tell two goods always take with me everywhere I go namely wallet and phone . Why I always carry both the goods ? the first is wallet , wallets very important because in the purse its contents of my identity as id cards , license , document , the ministerial meeting and foremost is money , so if I did not bring my wallet apprehensive. For example if my wallet fall or prodigal one who will find it can get back into address my house because in purse that is my identity as id cards and other so could ease .Both phone , why phone is an important thing for me because if there is an unfortunate I can contact those who live in contact my phone . And if I am tired of I opened social media as instagram , fuel , facebook , and line or I play game . With the phone allow me to locate information  like material college . Obviously not just my own second feel the need for goods are definitely everyone was feeling both the stuff that important to go anywhere. Thanks

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