Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Your top recommendations for things to do in your town

Hello ledies and gentleman ,introduce my name is Nadia, I want to tell about the village what I want to recommend. The village that I want to recommend is the village where I was born, namely Sungai Pinang, Sambas district. There are certain reasons that attracted me to recommend the village.Sungai Pinang is not the village where I live right now but of a village where I was born the village hehe I think is still lacking teachers and adequate facilities, if facilities and infrastructure are adequate but that I see there is very low awareness of parents towards their children's education, there have been many children my age are married and have a son when the age is actually still in school or seek knowledge, , Which may lack the level of one's awareness of the importance of education in the future. And also I often heard children drop out of school because there want to work needs find the money to meet the family. Sad sometimes I hear things like that let alone usually no intention children to school but often failing a grade, , That may be the effect of the school sat quietly return why not get the learning they should be. Children there are still thirsty for education and therefore I promised I would be successful and would like to make my home village is more advanced and more familiar with the importance of education for our future.

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