Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

My Favorite Smartphone Apps

Hello ladies and gentleman my name is Nadia I of a course of study the social science of education the first half of 1. I will tell you about the application of smartpone which is something I love .The first time I use smartpone is in 2014 .It is android phone samsung young2 who in buy by my uncle . When it was famous samsung among the so I was really interested to have phone that could have a lot of function.Application first I downloaded is the blackberry messanger why I downloded blackberry messanger first because in handpone I previously there are no program like this. With blackberry messanger I can add new friends and get new information I would not get in social media other like on facebook. After I downloaded blackberry messanger I am also very interested to download line in line for being application we can get the latest news and through line today an emoticon on line was so compelling that making conversation become more fun between me and my friend . After download both these applications  feel satisfied and less want downlod instagram application is because in instagram we can to posting moment in the form of picture video / photos and others .Why I love the application because to the application of very useful for me so that I would not say that the students ancient or outdated .With application and we can more updates with news recent news exciting and distinct from both these applications .Application that draw my heart and 's most popular

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